Not really writing much on here..

by Ocdismylife

I guess there are days when I don’t want to write down how I am feeling as it just makes me worse.

I’ve had a bit of contact with mister X, the guy I dated for 3 months…well let’s just say I am back heartbroken again.

OCD and depression is liek normal, up and down. Been in bed for 2 days unwilling to move.

I’m just not worthy of being loved, everyone that has ever come close to me either wants pussy or runs away because I’m mentally ill. I get it though. My OCD causes to confess all my intrusive thoughts to my partner…not many men want that and a depressed woman. But I would love support, help, to be loved for me, a person willing to go through hell with me..

But I know my future, alone and single, where I focus on my job.